The Power of Surrender!

The Present Mind
3 min readOct 27, 2020

The one who brought you here will bring you still further!!!- Rumi

Is life really that hard or our aspirations to govern the world has made it so?

It’s like the sun would not rise and the seasons would stop if we stopped worrying.

Why are we so obsessed with worrying? What kind of comfort do we get from pondering over useless things?

The constant question of How and Why the things should or shouldn’t be a particular way is wrecking our heads day in and out.

Here are some thoughts on this inevitable misery of our daily life…

The lack of acceptance

Maybe the root of all misery is the lack of acceptance. If it happened then we’ll ponder why? If it didn’t then why not?

We want the world, “perfect”. Our kind of perfect.

And, everybody wants there kinds of perfect so it doesn’t suit almost any one.

Isn’t life better when it doesn’t suit anyone’s sense of good life?

The lack of acceptance of things as they are makes life hard. Instead of rejoicing the sun and the rain we keep dredging why it’s so sunny or why is it raining.

What would life be like if we started accepting life as it is?

If we started dancing in the unexpected rain and rejoicing the morning sunshine?

What would life be, if we started accepting people the way they are?

People are like that, flawed gorgeous messes. No person is all good or bad, it’s what we bring out of the person that makes them seem good or bad.

Love and Acceptance

If we see all with love, we’d accept them better.

Love gives infinite space. When you truly love someone you allow the person to be who they are.

Instead of projecting our sense of right and wrong on the world, or the sense of pleasant or not, life would be better if we took what we got and played with it. Won’t it??


There’s something gorgeous about Surrender. When you let go of the urge to control, you accept more.

It is what it is.

You may or may not like it. It may or may not be fair towards you.

But, it stays what it is. Maybe it did rain on your plans today. So what? Take that. Laugh about it. And, do whatever you’d prefer for that moment instead of lamenting why your earlier plan didn’t go as planned.

Plan ahead but when life hits you as a truck, Plan in the moment. Live in the moment.

Feeling that there’s something superior taking care of the world takes off so much burden from your mind and shoulders.


World will go on fine even if you laugh a bit more and worry a bit less…

What’s going on in the world, the politics, the crime, the terror, all is important but that doesn't mean we give up on living.

We accept that. Yes! our world is messed up. And, we messed it up. And, we live with it.

Surrender to what is… and life will start looking much better.


Spirituality gives a strange kind of liberation to people as it helps them in understanding and finally doing this “surrender” to whatever they believe in.

It might be god, any god or the randomness of the universe or even physics.

Whatever you think might be governing the world, Let it go to that power.

Earth has been existing over billions of year. It will exist even after us. So we can afford to let go and surrender to the higher power. And, live like a child with no worries once in awhile.

Even with soo much suffering in the world, life is good. Trust that.

Live like life’s a blessing and surrender to be free!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.



The Present Mind

On the Quest for “Being”! Learning through books, movies, people, nature and anything under the sun! Write about all that makes me stop and stare!